Monday, October 26, 2009

Glad but sad to be back...

I know that many of us are missing La Limonada immensely! It is a hard transition to return to our normal routines after experiencing everything we did in Guatemala. I know I would go back today if it was possible, but the daily responsibilities of work, family and life in general keeps me from jumping back on that plane at the moment.

I am determined to go back! I miss the kids, the teachers, Tita, Leah, Kate, the schools, the natural beauty that could be found all around us (especially in the faces of the children of La Limonada), our van rides to and from the ghetto, our nightly devotion time, our group members, the food, the coffee, Teresita and Gussy...believe me, I could go on and on! I wish everyone could experience the feeling of a full heart like I am right now!

To all of our group members:

Thank you so much for spending the week with me and sharing yourselves in a way that I have never whitnessed before. You are each amazing individuals and a critical piece of our group! I will never forget this trip and will alway cherish the time we spent together!!

I am glad to be back, but I think we all will have a long time of saddness about leaving such an amazing place!

Friday, October 23, 2009

The last day in La Limonada...

Our last day in La Limonada was part comfortable, joyful routine mixed with a bit of “Wow! What a day!” The day started with breakfast at 6:45am, as usual. Today, however, our group split up for the first time with some of us going to Limon with Lea and some accompanying Tita to help out at Madarina.

The Limon team included Carolyn, Cinda, Kim, Daniel, Brenda, Fran, Casto and myself. The Limon team stopped on the way at the “hardware” store to buy supplies to repair Nery’s roof. The morning at Limon followed the normal routine: four groups of children, rotating through bible study, games, crafts, and singing. The peace and happiness that exists within the walls of Limon is truly amazing; when you are inside the walls of the school, the poverty, violence, and desperation this community deals with can seem a thousand miles away.

Cinda had been sick the night before and was feeling miserable this morning. Many of us tried to convince her to stay home and rest. After being up much of the night getting sick, spending a long day in the ghetto can be a hard go. Cinda was very determined not to miss anything and she someway, somehow stuck it out.

Meanwhile in Madarina, Elysia, Megan, and Frank had a hectic morning handing out goodie bags. The morning was stressful due to the behavior of some teenagers, however, their morning ended with what was later described as an “edge of the earth where the heavens start” experience in the home of an elderly couple.

We all met up at Tita’s house at the end of the day for coffee. The culmination of an incredible week happened when Elysia, Megan, and Frank shared what they had experienced in the elderly couple’s home. They witnessed God’s power, grace, and love in a way they will never forget.

- Bernie

Thursday, October 22, 2009

A Note from Bill

It's been an incredible week here in Guatemala with the Lifepointe team! The heart and passion that each person in this group has shown for the teachers, the children and their families has been amazing. They have given everything they have to the Bible lessons, the games, the worship time, and the crafts. The joy on the faces of the children has been so evident each day this week... and I really believe that even the smallest act of service and love shown has made a huge impact in their lives.

The highlight of the day today were the home visits in the time between the morning and afternoon sessions. A few of the team members had an opportunity to spend time in the homes of the children they sponsor. They met their families and in some cases brought much needed food and other items to them.

It has especially been an encouragement to me to watch as child sponsors meet their children for the first time. We are so grateful to see meaningful relationships begin and develop between the sponsors ("padrinos") and the children, and the experience has been a powerful reminder that the personal connection, the prayers, the letters of encouragement and the visits are by far the most important part of child sponsorship.

The Lifepointe family can be so thankful to be a huge part of what God is doing in La Limonada, and for the incredible group of people who have set aside this week of their lives to represent Jesus and Lifepointe among the children and families of La Limonada! It has been a huge blessing to spend this week here in Guatemala with all of them!

-Bill Cummings

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Goody bags!

The morning began with a little disappointment because breakfast could not be served due to an attempted break in at the school last night.  As the day went on, everything worked out, and we were able to give the bags to the majority of the kids that attend Escuelita Limon.  We plan to deliver the bags to Escuelita Mandarina on Friday.

In addition to giving out the goody bags, we made several home visits.  These visits showed us the extremes of life in La Limonada.  Some were very encouraging and others were heart wrenching, but we know that God has brought us to Guatemala to bring hope to the people of La Limonada.  This trip has brought hope to each one of our group members, and we hope to share that hope when we return to the US.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Encouraging one another

Today the school was closed due to Guatemala's Revolution Day. The kids received a day off and the team took the opportunity to take in some of the beautiful sites in Antigua.
In Hebrews 3:13, God tells us to encourage one another daily. There are few things that are more encouraging than spending time with others who share the same passions. We have gotten to know each other (a little too much in some cases), and it has been a blast.
It has been so encouraging to simply spend time together. I know God used today to prepare our hearts for the rest of the trip. Remember, encouragement is free to give and great to receive (1 Thessalonians 5:11)!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Our eyes have been opened

Our first day in the ghetto was filled with highs and lows. Meeting the children, the teachers, Tita and countless people on the streets of La Limonada brought tears of joy and sorrow to us all. We loved being in the Escuelita - Limon. The children are amazing - so full of love and affection and so welcoming. We also made several home visits and ate lunch in Escuelita - Mandarina, which is currently being renovated.

It was an overwhelming day for all of us and in our devotional time together we discussed the aspects of the day that touched us most deeply. At the same time, we feel happy to be here and saddened by the conditions we see. We see joy on faces in spite of extreme poverty and are compelled to be more appreciative of the blessings in our own lives. We are aware of how driven our lives are by the clock and hectic schedules. The people here truly live in the moment and that has inspired us to do the same. The sense of community in the ghetto is amazing. We witnessed neighbors buying fresh tortillas and other foods from one another, inviting the frail and elderly under their tattered roofs to care for them and sharing what little they had with each other. As we followed Tita through the narrow alleyways, people opened their doors to greet her with love. She freely gives her time, resources and herself to everyone she meets. Tita exemplifies the actions and love of Jesus.

Happy Birthday, Carolyn!

We were so excited to share in the celebration of Carolyn's birthday today. Before breakfast, she commented that she knew she was going to become a different person today as a result of visiting La Limonada. At the end of the day, we find that we are all changed. Other notables from Carolyn's day were discovering she likes papaya (yay) and stepping in dog poo (yuck)!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

We arrived safely to Guatemala!

We want all of you to know that we arrived safely in Guatemala and have been on the go most of the afternoon. The flight from Miami to Guatemala City was delayed an hour, but we made it in plenty of time to drop off the bags, go to the mall, cafe barista and get back for a wonderful dinner at the house.

We had a great meeting about our plans for tomorrow and shared communion together to prepare our hearts for the days to come!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Preparing for the trip...

The time has flown and there is just one more day in Raleigh before boarding the plane to Guatemala in the wee hours of the morning Sunday!

I know that we are all going to be changed on this trip! We are going to have an amazing time with the Tita, the teachers, the students, Guatemalan people we encounter outside of the schools, our fellow group members as well as the people we encounter on the way! I pray that God uses us to touch each and every person we come in contact with, and that we have a safe trip to and from Guatemala City!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Thoughts from Carolyn 10-09-09

I am so overwhelmed at times with the preparation God is doing in my heart and soul for this trip to Guatemala. I have never been on a mission trip. Never felt called, assumed it would never happen in my lifetime - I could always give and pray for others to go, but there was no way God would call me to leave my family, risk my diabetes in a 3rd world country, go completely out of my comfort zone when I could do so much more here at home. Besides, I have no building skills, and as most mission trips are about building things, repairing things, etc., no one would have any use for someone who barely can wield a hammer!

Well, God had other plans. He started speaking to my heart the day I first learned about La Limonada and the children that are there. I felt such a strong urge to visit and to meet Tita. But, I told God, I can't trust a place without good medical care. Then a week went by & I was talking to the head of Lemonade International, Bill Cummings, and he said there is an awesome, private hospital very close to where the teams stay. Crap! But I don't have any skills to offer. Then God revealed to me that all these children need are smiles, love, hugs, and attention. Crap! I have so much of that to spare that I feel I don't know enough people to spread all the love I have inside me. But, God, I don't like sleeping without my sound machine, my pillow, my bed, my coffee, etc. etc. etc.. Then God said - "But you will see people who have no homes, no place to lay their heads, and no food to eat, yet they will have more joy than you will know."

I am humbled. I am amazed that God finds me worthy to be on this earth, much less to be a part of His plan in La Limonada. When the last of my doubts were falling away, I realized how was I going to raise money for this trip and God said for me to not worry about it. If you know my husband, you know he worries a little about money - plus his job was about to be phased out. I told him I felt so strongly that God wanted me to be there that if I had to ask every person I knew for $1-5 to go, I would do it. Then before I could tell a soul I was in the need for funds, a friend from way back surprised me with a check that covered almost ALL of my trip. Just because. I probably haven't seen her since high school, but we have fortunately reconnected over Facebook & God has blessed me with reconnecting with such a sweet, loving, and unselfish friend who cheers me up & makes me laugh and has allowed me to go on this trip without worrying about money.

I am so excited to see what God has in store for this team. I know without a doubt, He wants me there. I have been praying hard for Him to prepare my heart for this trip. I know part of my heart will be left behind in Guatemala and I am okay with that. I love this country so much already and I want to let every person I meet there to feel some of God's love pouring through me.

God is good. He is perfect, He is the Almighty. I am sure of His plan and have full confidence that no matter what happens in Guatemala, it is His plan for me to be there.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Two Weeks to GO

Time has flown, and we will be flying out in just two weeks. It is hard to believe how fast the time has gone and I am sure the time we are there will fly by too. I pray that God will give us the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the ones we touch, and also give them the opportunity to make a difference in us!

Please take time to pray for us and for those in Guatemala throughout the coming weeks!